What Do You Know about Satan?

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The Fallen Angel that is Satan!!
To rule the World

Satan’s goal is to keep us from knowing God. At one time Satan was an angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. As a created being, Satan has limitations. Although he is trying to tempt everyone away from God, he will not be the “final” victor. Why does Satan tempt us? Temptation is Satan’s way of inviting us into his kind of life and giving up on God’s kind of life. Remember, Satan tempted Eve and succeeded in getting her to sin. Ever since he’s been busy getting people to sin.

One of Satan’s attacks is through our weaknesses. For example, when we dwell on the things, we don’t have instead of the countless things God has given us. Just remember the next time you are feeling sorry for yourself and thinking about what you don’t have, consider all the things that you can be thankful to God for. Then any doubts you may have won’t lead you into sin.

Satan is our enemy, and he will do anything he can to get us to follow his deadly path. In the Bible scripture, the phrase “you will strike his heel’ refers to Satan’s repeated attempts to defeat Christ during his life on earth. “He will crush your head” shows Satan’s defeat when Christ rose from the dead. God was revealing his plan to defeat Satan and offer salvation to the world through his Son, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 4:1-11).

Is Satan Real?

Pope Francis: The Devil is real, don’t underestimate him.

Make no mistake about it. Satan is real and he is constantly fighting against those who follow and obey God. He is always trying to get us to live his way or our way rather than God’s way. But one day Jesus will reign over all creation. Just think if Jesus had given into Satan’s attack and getting him to declare his “kingship” prematurely. His mission on earth to die for our sins and give us the opportunity to have eternal life would have been lost. A final thought, when temptation seems especially strong, or when you think you can “rationalize” giving in to sin, consider whether Satan may be trying to block God’s “purpose” for your life or for “someone” else’s life.

Lessons learned over time have shown me that Satan’s temptation focus on three crucial areas: (1) our physical needs and desires, (2) possessions and power, and (3) pride. The book of 1 John 2:15-16 in the Bible it says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” And in verse sixteen it says, “for everything in the world-the craving of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has does-comes not from the Father but from the world.

Our battle is against powerful evil forces.

Our Battle is against Powerful Evil Forces.

Through studying the Bible, I have learned as a believer that our battle is against the powerful evil forces of fallen angels (demons) headed by Satan. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil (Satan) prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). To withstand their attacks, we must depend on God’s strength and use every piece of his armor. (Ephesians 6:10-18) The whole body needs to be armed. Remember, as you do battle against “the evil rulers and authorities of the “unseen world,” fight as a body in the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit.

God has already defeated Satan.

God has already defeated Satan.

Finally, although God and the devil (Satan) are at war, we don’t have to wait until the end to see who will win. God has already defeated Satan (Revelation 12:10-12), and when Christ returns, the devil and all he stands for will be eliminated forever (Revelation 20:10-15). Satan is here now, however, and he is trying to win us over to his evil cause. With the Holy Spirit’s power, we can resist the devil, and he will flee from us.

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I have written a book called: “Are You Ready for a New Life?” The book covers this and much, much more, and gives you an insight into your health, finance, and personal and spiritual growth.