Objective: To face challenges experienced in Health, Finance, Personal and Spiritual Growth although different topics but can all have the best conclusions if wisdom, knowledge, and understanding with obedience is applied.
“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” (Proverbs 3:13-15, New International Version of the Bible)
Ralph Morgan has worked most of his adult life working two jobs, just to maintain for his family. He married his childhood sweetheart of over 50 years. He loves her very much, but he can’t understand why she has put up with me for so long. He has two children, which have been a blessing to him. His first significant career accomplishment was completing 20 years in the military. While in the military, he returned to school and received a Bachelor of Business from Memphis State University. Later, he went back and finished his Master of Business at the University of Phoenix.
With the learned knowledge, he started his own Online Business by creating three websites. Which were informational websites on Personal and Spiritual Growth (Growingmature.com), with a new YouTube Channel. The second website was on Personal Finance and Online Business Tips (Ralphmorgandot.com), with a new YouTube Channel. And finally, a Personal Health, Health and Fitness website, also with a new YouTube Channel.
His greatest accomplishment was giving his life to Jesus Christ. He says bringing people to Jesus Christ is his greatest accomplishment and true purpose for living. And the gift of the Holy Spirit that dwells within him, teaches and guide his life. He goes to say, life is not about him but Christ that lives within him.