
As Christians, we are called to be different, to stand out as foreigners in this world. Our faith, therefore, is not to be inherited or shallow, changing as circumstances do, nor is it to be conditional, wavering when everything isn’t going our way. It’s easy to claim faithfulness in times of calm, but the true nature of our faith is revealed in times of trials and tribulations.
As mentioned in verse 1 Peter 1:7, these trials aren’t designed to break us but to test the genuineness of our faith. Much like gold, our faith is purified through the fires of life’s challenges. So, as believers, we must ask ourselves, what type of faith do we truly possess?
Is it one that shrinks back at the first sign of trouble, or one that, like the Apostles in the Bible, draws closer to God in times of trials? Remember, faith in the Christian context is all about who God is, not what we see!
What is True Faith to You?

True faith is not merely acknowledging the existence of God but living a life that reflects our complete trust and confidence in Him. It’s our unfaltering belief in God’s promises, character, and faithfulness, even when circumstances challenge us. Though we are foreigners in this world, through faith, we accept God’s sovereignty and acknowledge that His wisdom surpasses our understanding.
A True faith remains steadfast during trials and tribulations, knowing that these adversities are not designed to harm us, but rather to strengthen us, and draw us closer to God (James 1:2). Unwavering by what we see or experience, true faith is rooted in understanding who God is: our loving Creator, our devoted Savior, and our guiding Light. This is the type of faith that Christians are called to have, one that mirrors God’s unchanging nature and glorifies Him in all circumstances.
Ultimately, our faith should rest not in what we can see or understand, but in who God is. God is constant, unchanging, and faithful. He is the solid foundation on which we build our lives. So, as Christians, what type of faith do you have? Is it inherited, shallow, or conditional?
Or is it resilient, growing stronger through trials, and anchored in the unchanging nature of God? Only you, through introspection and prayer, can answer these questions. But remember, we are called to be different, to hold a faith that withstands the trials of this world and draws us closer to God.
Therefore, let us strive to live our lives according to the faith that God has called us to. To have a faith that is true and eternal, rooted in the love and strength of our Creator. Amen.
What is the Christian Journey Truly About?
The Christian journey is one of faith, a path unique to each believer, yet rooted in a common understanding that we are not of this world. This alien status, referenced in verse 1 Peter 1:1, underscores our divine calling to be different, to embody a faith that stands firm in the face of trials and tribulations.
But the question arises, what type of faith do we hold as Christians? Is it a faith inherited, shallow, or conditional, swaying with the winds of life’s challenges, or is it deeply embedded in the unchanging nature of God?
This blog post aims to challenge and inspire Christians to examine the foundations of their faith, understanding that true faith is not merely about what we see in our lives, but about unflagging trust in who God is.
What are the 3 Types of False Faith of some Today?
It’s important to note that three types of false faiths can prevent us from fully embracing our faith in God: (1) inherited faith, which is not a personal conviction; (2) shallow faith, referred to as the “seed on stony ground” in Matthew 13 in the Bible; and (3) conditional faith, which is only maintained when all goes well.
The first type is an Inherited Faith. This is not your faith – it’s borrowed from someone else, perhaps your parents or your community. Holding an inherited faith means you haven’t personally encountered Christ or made a conscious decision to follow Him.
It’s like living in someone else’s house without ever moving into your own. We must strive for a personal relationship with Christ, to have our faith that is rooted in personal experiences and divine revelations.
The second type is a Shallow Faith, as described in Matthew 13 of the Bible. This kind of faith is easily swayed by circumstances. When everything’s fine, it’s easy to keep the faith. But the minute trials and tribulations come your way, your faith starts to waver. Shallow Faith is inconsistent and unpredictable. True faith is like a tree planted by the rivers of water, unaffected by the changing seasons.
The third type is Conditional Faith. This faith is okay as long as everything is going your way. It’s like being in a relationship where you only love the person when they do what you want. But faith doesn’t work that way. God wants all of us, not just the parts that are easy to give.
These kinds of faith can’t stand the test of trials (verse 1 Peter 1:7). As Christians, let’s challenge ourselves to live by authentic faith, reflecting the transformational work of Christ within us, being salt and light in this world, and truly living as citizens of His heavenly Kingdom.
Why Trials and Tribulations are Good Tests for Our Faith?
However, the truest test of our faith lies in how we face adversity. As it states in 1 Peter 1:7, “These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
By going through trials and tribulations with a steadfast trust in Jesus, how we respond to these experiences can be seen as an indication of the quality of such faith.
The trials and tribulations we encounter are not punishments, but rather opportunities to strengthen our faith. As 1 Peter 1:7 tells us, trials are tests of our faith, meant to refine us like gold in the fire. Trials offer us a choice: turn away from God or draw closer to him. Indeed, James 1:2 encourages us to consider it pure joy when we face trials, for they develop perseverance and maturity in our faith.
Fortunately for us, trials have a way of clarifying our faith. 1 Peter 1:7 invites us to explore the depths of our faith, as it reveals the capacity of our inner strength and allows us to draw closer to God. True faith is not something we conjure up in times of distress, but rather an expression of unwavering trust in who God is.
The Bible also offers numerous examples of those who emerged from difficult circumstances strengthened in their faith. Take for example John 21:15-17, where Jesus is talking to Peter after he denied Him and subsequent repentance.
After this experience, Peter’s faith in Christ was strengthened instead of diminished. Similarly, James 1:2 tells us that we should “consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds,” as we can learn from our suffering and draw closer to God through them.
Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Faith

The Christian journey is a long one and our faith must be continually strengthened for us to keep from falling away. There are several practical ways to do this such as having daily devotions, reading the Bible regularly, praying often, spending time with other believers, and engaging in service activities. Through these activities, we can reinforce our trust and assurance in the Lord.
In addition, we need to remember that faith is not merely an intellectual exercise but an emotional one as well. Just as Jesus was moved with compassion for others (Matthew 9:36), so must we develop a heart of love towards our fellow believers and those around us. This kind of faith will help us stand strong in times of trial and be a beacon of hope to those around us.
In conclusion, we are called to live lives of faith, understanding that our faith is rooted not in what we see but in who God is. We must continually evaluate the type of faith we have as believers, recognizing when it becomes shallow or conditional and engaging with life’s difficult realities from a place of trust and assurance. It is only then that we can truly experience the fullness of God’s blessings and experience the joys of a life lived in faith.
Faith is a precious gift that we can use to get through the toughest of times. As Christians, it’s important to remember that our faith is unique – and how we respond to trials and tribulations should be in line with what God expects of us.
Instead of giving into despair or doubt, choose to trust in God and rely on Him for guidance and strength. With His help, you can become a greater witness of faith and persevere through any situation. May God bless you on your journey as a believer in Faith.
A Final Note
A true believer in Christ embodies a faith that is steadfast, genuine, and unshakable. This faith is not inherited, shallow, or conditional, but it’s deeply personal and unwavering, irrespective of life’s trials and tribulations. It’s important to know that a true believer’s faith doesn’t stem from what they see around them or what they seek to gain; it’s anchored on the divine truth of who God is.
Being a true believer means living as a foreigner in this world, with values, attitudes, and a lifestyle that often goes against the grain of societal norms. When faced with challenges, true believer leans into their faith, trusting in God’s sovereignty and love. These trials, instead of weakening their resolve, strengthen the believers’ faith and draw them closer to God.
This deep, unyielding faith in the face of adversity is the mark of a true believer in Christ. Their lives are a testament to God’s unfathomable grace, a beacon of His love and truth in a world that so desperately needs it.