Health in the Bible is more concerned about the Inside.


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HEALTH. Most people work hard to keep the outward appearance attractive, but what is in our hearts is even more important. The way we are deep down (where nobody else can see) matters to God. What are you like inside? As a believer, God makes us different on the inside. He will continue the process of change inside if we only ask. God wants us to have healthy thoughts and motives, not just healthy food and exercise.

Keep in mind that nobody wants sickness, pain, or weakness in their body. But we as believers rejoice in fruit that often comes from these things such as patience, reliance on God’s strength, and gratitude to God for what He has done for us.

As our body needs exercise to keep us physically fit, so does our soul need exercise, by practicing being a better Christian and keeping fit spiritually (1 Timothy 4).

The improper things we do against our bodies make us victims to physical ailments. But our souls are also victim to spiritual ailments. God can heal both.

Whether you have good health or poor health, you must rely on God for strength through His spirit. He gives us the strength to hold on to hope of eternal life where there will be no more health problems!

Spiritual exercise is as “purposeful” and “strenuous” as physical exercise. But the benefits of spiritual fitness last for eternity while the benefits of physical fitness last only as long as our bodies last.

Physical exercise has value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next (1Timothy 4:7-8).

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