UNDERSTANDING. We can never understand all about ourselves, but God understands us completely. Sometimes we feel as if we don’t understand ourselves, what we want, how we feel, what’s wrong with us, or what we should do about it. But God’s understanding has no limit, and He understand us fully. If you feel troubled and don’t understand yourself, remember that God understands you perfectly. Take your mind off yourself and focus it on God. Strive to become more and more like Him. The more you learn about God and His ways, the better you will understand yourself (Matthew 17:14-23).
We realize that understanding is important, and we should know about it, but obedience is more important. We may not fully understand the reasons behind God’s specific instructions, but we do know that His wisdom is complete and His judgment “infallible.” The way to know God’s instructions is to know His Word (Bible). But just as children do not understand the reason for all their parents’ instructions until they are older, we discover the reasons. We are never free to disobey God just because we don’t understand.
Although understanding is important, trust must be our first choice. In scripture in the Bible, Jesus predicted His death; but more importantly, He told of His resurrection. Unfortunately, the disciples heard only the first part of Jesus’ words and became discouraged. They couldn’t understand why Jesus wanted to go back to Jerusalem, where he would walk right into trouble.
The disciples didn’t fully comprehend the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection until Pentecost (Acts 2 in the Bible). We shouldn’t get upset at ourselves for being slow to understand everything about Jesus. After all, the disciples were with Him, saw His miracles, heard His Words, and still had difficulty understanding. Despite their questions and doubts, however, they believed. We should do the same (Mark 4:1-25).
God also reveals the truth to people who will act on it and make it a part of their lives. Because some people do not understand God’s truth and they are not ready for it. Understanding has taught me that when I talk to people about God, I have to be aware that they will not understand if they are not yet ready. I have learned to be patient, taking every chance to tell them more of the truth about God, and praying that the Holy Spirit will open their minds and hearts to receive the truth and act on it.
The light of Jesus Christ truth is revealed to us, not hidden. But we may not be able to see or to use all of that truth right now. Only as we put God’s teaching into practice will we understand and see more of the truth. As we obey, we will sharpen our vision and increase our understanding (see James 1:22-25).
Taking the advice in the Bible, Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV), “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well feed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Thank you for viewing the article!!
Finally, I have written a book called: “Are You Ready for a New Life?” The book covers this and much, much more, and gives you in insight into your health, finance, and personal and spiritual growth.